Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hand editing pouring water

Again from my friends project.
It shows how the tool lets you hand edit water pouring into a wine glass.
He says it was a 5 minutes work. Nice usage example.

You can see the result first, and the tool being used at 0:55.
The number of particles are still low and it looks blobby but you can imagine how the tool can be used and be evolved.

Wine Video from lyouta on Vimeo.

1) Simulate liquid by nParticle
2) Exports BIN files
3) Edit BIN files by Sparta
4) Import BIN files as Maya Particle
5) Connect Maya Particle to nParticle
6) Polygonize liquid
7) Render liquid

 By the way it succeeded in cloud funding today. Congrats.

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